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Google Chrome still thinks I'm using Drupal?! | Forum

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Matt Nov 26 '14

When I load my website using Google Chrome for Ipad (no problem Apple Safari or on a Windows PC), the icon on the page tab STILL appears with the Drupal logo. I stopped using Drupal months ago! (see image). Is this a Google issue or an Oxwall one?

ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
 it is browser issue, have you tried to clear the cache of the browser?
Matt Nov 26 '14
Clearing the cache didn't work. The Drupal logo is still there.
ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Clear the cache from the beginning. Because it is obviously related to the cache as the favicon displays properly in other browsers. 

Matt Nov 26 '14
It's not a big issue as its unique only to Chrome on my ipad. - What do you mean -  from the beginning?

Settings - Privacy - Clear Cache is all I can find on Chrome for iOS.

Matt Nov 27 '14
Thanks for the suggestion -  but Chrome on an Ipad isn't configured to work in the way you suggest is it? - ie no 'files'.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 28 '14
Quote from ross Clear the cache from the beginning. Because it is obviously related to the cache as the favicon displays properly in other browsers. 

Ross said to clear cache from begining of time, See screenshot for more information:

Matt Nov 29 '14
Thank you Durlabh.

 The screenshot you have used is not from the iOS version of Chrome. The problem only occurs on my iPad. The setting are different. There is no 'beginning of time' option.

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 29 '14

Quote from Matt Thank you Durlabh.

 The screenshot you have used is not from the iOS version of Chrome. The problem only occurs on my iPad. The setting are different. There is no 'beginning of time' option.

Yeah, the screen shot is from windows version, But here's how you do on iOS:

  • Navigate down and tap on “Settings”, then tap on “Privacy”
  • Tap on “Clear All Or Clear Cache".