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Messages Notifications Won't Reset | Forum

Simone Nov 29 '14
And for "user not found" error?
Marcus Nov 29 '14
Is this bug already fixed cause it says messages 1 but there is no message!
Robert Rodrigues
Robert Rodrigues Nov 29 '14
It's not fixed yet.  No update has been released since the error was reported.  It appears that a fix is on it's way though.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 29 '14

Quote from Robert Rodrigues It's not fixed yet.  No update has been released since the error was reported.  It appears that a fix is on it's way though.
Hello Robert,

Oxwall developers have identified the issue and are working on it, The issue will be soon resolved.

JoJo Dec 2 '14
Is there any news on this problem? The members on my site are getting a bit impatient as to why the message notification number is still there, as well why their sent messages do not apper in the send box, and messages do not appear to be in the inbox (this happens when before they might have removed the message, but it does not appear back in as a new message when they receive a new message to the same thread).
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 2 '14
Jojo, Tell your users that there is a bug and developers are working on it.I am sure they will understand the problem...
ross Team
ross Dec 2 '14
Jojo, you are saying inbox, send box, do you use default messages plugin?

what is your software version?

Hybrid Dec 6 '14
Any update on this yet?

Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts Dec 6 '14

Using default messages plugin here on version 1.7.2 with the same issue.  Showing two messages yesterday when there were no new ones.  Then today received two new messages and the notification showed five.  After reading the two messages, it is now showing three when there are none.

Harry Dec 6 '14
I'm experiencing this as well.
ross Team
ross Dec 7 '14
Not, yet. We'll update the mailbox plugin soon, fix included. 
Kev Dec 8 '14
Any update on this yet Ross? I too am having this issue and I've got a few hundred users that are affected.

If not, is there a way I can roll back the Messaging plugin whilst the devs are working on it?



Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts Dec 8 '14
I'm also finding while using the Minimalistic_Dark theme since the latest update when someone attempts to send a private message to another user, they are forced to type the message in a white font on a white background.  Is there a way to fix this I'm overlooking?
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
This will be fixed asap. Please give us some more time, Kev. 

Joe, please do not make post when it has nothing to do with the topic. As to your problem. Please switch to the default theme and check if the issue persists. Because we cannot reproduce that on our default themes. Seems the issue is related to the theme you're using. 

Kev Dec 8 '14
Great, thanks Ross.
ross Team
ross Dec 9 '14
Guys, there's an update of the mailbox plugin in the store, you are free to update your mailbox plugin, there's a fix for the notification issue. Or you can wait for the update notification to appear in your admin panel. 

Also if after update you still get the notification, please scroll down through the list of conversations, there should be a new unread conversation. 

Jozef Dec 9 '14
Hi ross i update plugin few minutes ago, but notification of unread messages still show...
Marcus Dec 9 '14
When this annoying bug will be fixed?
Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts Dec 9 '14
Still having the same issue after applying the update.
Hybrid Dec 9 '14
^^ Likewise...


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