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1.7.2 Join Page Error | Forum

Ray Gagné
Ray Gagné Jan 2 '15
We have to download for the first time oxwall this week we made what is written and these always the same problem.

It has been 5 days since we look for the solution and to spend several dollars plugging

ross Team
ross Jan 5 '15
I have successfully registered at your website

See screenshots

Martin Jan 8 '15
This fix works great for me! But in ie9 the wheel just keeps spinning.
Martin Jan 8 '15
Thats why, thank you!
ross Team
ross Jan 11 '15
You're welcome. 
Marylynn Jan 28 '15
I am having the same problem......what is the solution?
ross Team
ross Jan 28 '15
read the post carefully the fix is provided.
nando nando
nando nando Mar 19 '15

after i have install fix 

((((   (1) rename .htaccess to .htaccess_
(2) copy the 1.7.1 files to your server
(3) delete the new .htaccess and rename .htaccess_ to .htaccess
(4) navigate to /ow_updates
(5) if you had already updated to the latest message plugin, go to PHPMyAdmin and dellete the table entry for messages from ow_base_plugin.
(6) delete the mailbox folder in ow_plugins. )))))
i get this in site with mailbox 
Fatal error
: Call to undefined method MAILBOX_CLASS_Textarea::setCustomBodyClass() in /home4/my site /public_html/ow_plugins/mailbox/classes/new_message_form.php on line 82
ross Team
ross Mar 19 '15

This is not a fix, but instructions to downgrade your software and remove the mailbox plugin. 

Of course you have this error now, because you have latest mailbox and 1.7.1 version of the software. 

You need to update your platform to the latest version. How many times do we have to tell that you can't update plugin first and keep the platform the same version. Disable the plugin in the phpmyadmin - go to ow_base_plugin table -> locate mailbox plugin, scroll to the column isActive-> and put 0 instead of 1. Refresh the website, the error should be gone as well as mailbox should be deactivated now ->update your platform, then enable plugin back

nando nando
nando nando Mar 22 '15
ross  tried it did not work had to install back up
ross Team
ross Mar 22 '15
What do you mean it did not work? 
At which step do you have difficulties?

To install backup, contact your hosting provider support team to assist you with that. 

nando nando
nando nando Mar 23 '15
This step in /ow_system_plugins/base/classes/event_handler.php

line 822

replace this: 

public function onAddMembersOnlyException( BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $event )


        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'joinFormSubmit'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'forgotPassword'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPasswordRequest'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPassword'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'ajaxSignIn'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_ApiServer', 'action' => 'request'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Unsubscribe', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_BaseDocument', 'action' => 'redirectToMobile'));

with this: 

public function onAddMembersOnlyException( BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $event )


        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'joinFormSubmit'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'forgotPassword'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPasswordRequest'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPassword'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'ajaxSignIn'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_ApiServer', 'action' => 'request'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Unsubscribe', 'action' => 'index'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_BaseDocument', 'action' => 'redirectToMobile'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_AjaxLoader', 'action' => 'init'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_AjaxLoader', 'action' => 'component'));

        $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Avatar', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

gives me this after in join.php Captcha

ross Team
ross Mar 23 '15
Is your software still 1.7.2 or you have downgraded it to 1.7.1?

Before applying the fix do you have this issue with the captcha?

If not, please revert the changes (the fix you made) and check if the captcha appears again

If it's not, then it has nothing to do with the fix, as nobody except for you has this issue after applying. Then you 'll need to check this: https://docs.oxwall.org/faq:captcha-troubleshooting

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