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CHANGE AVATAR problem[bug-to be fixed] | Forum

Mian Naveed
Mian Naveed Jan 5 '17
Dear Dave,

I am unable to create new topic due to hide of this option. As Ross already mention on below form link. for your review, problem picture are attached.


  avatar1.JPG (61Kb)
  avatar2.JPG (59Kb)
dave Leader
dave Jan 6 '17
Thats fine, i just thought a new topic would get more direct attention, but thats fine.  Is there anything shown in the console when this happens?   Some times such things can be caused by a wide variety of things.  Are you using cloudflare?   Have you checked your mod_security?  But for now is there anything in the console when this happens?
Mian Naveed
Mian Naveed Jan 7 '17
Dear Dave,

No i don't use cloudflare, I think error happen due to some code problem. If you check problem through CPanel directly, i think problem will be traced easily.

Mian Naveed
Mian Naveed Jan 12 '17
Can i assume my problem will be solve soon..
Mian Naveed
Mian Naveed Jan 13 '17
when i select a picture and press crop picture button then red mark message "" Avatar Picture Failed""" shows and picture not cropped..
andi surya
andi surya Jul 22 '20
its 6 years problem
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