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default background image on sign-in page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
how can i remove the default background image on sign-in page.
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Would it be possible to have a link to your website ?
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
no, just experimenting. I just want to know if there could be  a way of having no background at all on sihn-in page
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Check mine : social.anglaisbac.com and tell me if you're talking about that.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
no I know how to do that
namrekan Nov 28 '14
What d oyou want ?
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
to have no background image
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Just delete that background image from your theme, and that's all, you have no code to edit.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
what folder?
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 28 '14
dont just delete the image you will have broken image then 

you need to find the css that drives it and style it out
namrekan Nov 28 '14
I was talking about yoursite.com/admin/theme and to do reset to background image.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
how do you style out an image
namrekan Nov 28 '14
You have to know how to use CSS properties and you can edit the css file base.css OR and i advise you to do it if you're not familiar with it to go to yoursite.com/admin/theme and in the menu css you will be able to apply your custom code modications.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
ok but I still don't know what that image is called in order to even attempt to style it out
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 28 '14
Quote from luke dane how can i remove the default background image on sign-in page.

Hello Luke,

You can check out all easy tweaks you can do with your oxwall's site, Here.

luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
yeah I have looked at that page it does not give me the location of that image
namrekan Nov 28 '14
I give it o you : http://yoursite.com/ow_static/themes/origin/images/bg.jpg

Little tip : i use chrome and the "inspect element" widget.

luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
I am using oxwall 1.7 and there is no images in that folder
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Me too, and there is. Are you sure ? Are you on your ftp account ?
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
I working from my local computer
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