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default background image on sign-in page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
there is nothing in that themes folder
namrekan Nov 28 '14
So in the folder where oxwall is intalled you go to the url i have mentionned.
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Oxwall folder -> ow_static -> themes -> origin -> images, this would be right.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
ok yeah got it but that does not look like the same image on the sign-in page.
namrekan Nov 28 '14
Could you explain with screen captures cuz i don't understand what you mean.
luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
this background image is the default on the sign up page where is it in the files?
  Capture.PNG (1148Kb)
namrekan Nov 28 '14
I understaaaand :D You have a custom theme !

Two possibilities : if YOU have uploaded the image via Oxwall, it should be somewhere in ow_userfiles.

Second one : You go to : Oxwall folder -> ow_static -> themes -> "Your personnal theme" -> images

namrekan Nov 28 '14
I'm not as efficient as the oxwall devs, but i do my best :)

You can also go to the folder of your personnal theme, find the base.css file and modify the line : background-image:url('.....your image location....') to background:none.

luke dane
luke dane Nov 28 '14
yes very helpful found it thanks
namrekan Nov 28 '14
U're welcome.
ross Team
ross Dec 1 '14


background-color: none!important;

background-image: none!important


just apply these styles in the theme customizer here: www.site.com//admin/theme/css

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