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DEBUG mode on/off in Admin panel | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
David Dec 1 '14

Dear devs!

Please make this enable DEBUG mode (set to "true" in ow_includes/config.php) ability on/off in Admin panel ! Doing so manually all the time is extremely uncomfortably!!!

You can simply make this like you did (flag): Allow users to customize this page, by ajax method in: /admin/user-dashboard

The Forum post is edited by David Dec 1 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 2 '14
admin toolbox plugin has this and worked great 
David Dec 2 '14

Quote from Tammy admin toolbox plugin
Where do I find this admin toolbox plugin?
ross Team
ross Dec 2 '14
Probably this one: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/502

As to your suggestions, please post them directly on uservoice: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall , General Question section is not the place for it. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 3 '14
admin tool box is a plugin from paul ad is no longer in the store
ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
oh, ok. 

Then the only option is a suggestion on uservoice or creating a custom paid plugin.