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How to use: photo.content.betweenRatesAndComments & | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
David Dec 1 '14

Dear devs!

Please explain in details, how to use this:

{add_content key="photo.content.betweenRatesAndComments"}



What is it for, how use it?

ross Team
ross Dec 2 '14
This is the event, you can bind to it, in order to place something in the photo floatbox sidebar, where the comments are. 

For example one of the developers used it for placing image tags for one of hist plugins. 

David Dec 2 '14
Please give me detailed instruction how to use it???

I turn over the entire forum but found no information.

It's very important to know all of the nuances.

P.S. Why do not you make use of detailed instructions, like others do?

Just look (example documentation): http://dle-news.ru/extras/online/index.html

ross Team
ross Dec 2 '14
I already did, if you were an experienced developer you would understand what to do and how to use it
David Dec 3 '14

Quote from ross I already did, if you were an experienced developer you would understand what to do and how to use it
Ross, Oxwall targeted at experienced developer???
ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
You can bind to the event using this method: OW::getEventManager()->bind('event_name', array($this, 'method_name'));

I recommend you to download Skeleton plugin to better understand the Oxwall structure and code