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move avatar widget | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Dec 2 '14
any body know how i could move the avatar widget to the top bar without messing up the layout.
ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
The top content area is meant to position widgets one above another

If you want to place the widgets in the top content area next to each other like avatar next to the profile info - this is a custom code modification. 

If you just want to place an avatar widget above some widget and preserve it's size (not to expand to 100% width of the content area, you can use these styles

#avatar-console{width:30%;margin-left: 30px;// by increasing you can move the widget more to the right of the div. }

luke dane
luke dane Dec 4 '14
ok I'll try that.

Morgan Luis
Morgan Luis Dec 4 '14
Still need help on moving the avatar widget to the top bar?
Pm me if you still need help