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how to hide search bar at join page at console . | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sprintally® Dec 2 '14
how to hide search bar at join page at console . 
Harry Dec 2 '14
The easiest way to do it would be to set the display to none in css for the search form,as follows:

.ow_console_body.console_item.common_shortcuts {



You would do this directly in the join_index.html file which is located in /ow_system_plugins/view/controllers/join_index.html

So your code at the top would go like this:

{style} {literal}

.ow_console_body.console_item.common_shortcuts {display:none;}

{/literal} {/style}

It may be different depending upon what theme you use, but this should definitely help - it's what I use.

ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
Edward, you need to contact plugin developer directly to get this info. 
Sprintally® Dec 3 '14
okay rose  my plugin is " ocs advance user search + site search "
The Forum post is edited by Sprintally® Dec 3 '14
Sprintally® Dec 5 '14
i just want hide for guest ( join page ) but there are not option at current version to hide at join page ..