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the static pages[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Dec 4 '14
I just wanted to know if the static pages such as terms and privacy policy are on separate pages. if so where can I find them? Although I am assuming they are apart of the main template.
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 11 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 4 '14
read this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/26893?page=1#post-117330

Part of these pages is in the database and the content of the pages can be found in the Language section in the Admin Panel

What are you trying to achieve?Please elaborate so we could assist you. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 4 '14
luke dane
luke dane Dec 6 '14
I just wanted lto remove the main menu from these pages.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 6 '14
Then, you need to create a saperate page on your server and then link it to oxwall.
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 7 '14



display: none;



luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
ok that's fine but Tammy. However I cannot place that code in the css styling section this will remove the styling from all the pages including the ones I need them to be
luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
how would you create an seperate page without having the default settings. that is what I am hoping to do so I am looking into this ross's link.
The Forum post is edited by luke dane Dec 7 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 7 '14
put in the top of the pages words in language edit 
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 7 '14
so language edit find the language for terms page and put that at the top
luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
yeah where is terms page?

luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
where is that file located please
luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
sorry how to find the language for that page.
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 7 '14
pic a few words from the page and search them in admin languages

so if want find the above words search 
"search them in admin "
to find the whole sentence 

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Dec 7 '14
luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
ok will try that
luke dane
luke dane Dec 7 '14
Hello Tammy I found the page. However, I cannot see where to inject the code.
ross Team
ross Dec 7 '14
Just put the style: 



display: none;



above the text of the value (translation). 

luke dane
luke dane Dec 8 '14
ok got it thanks.
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Keep us updated, so I could mark the thread as Solved.
luke dane
luke dane Dec 11 '14
sorry yeah it worked
ross Team
ross Dec 11 '14