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How can I add photos but have them appear to be older? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kurt Dec 4 '14

I want to add several hundred photos to the photo album but I don't want them to appear at the top of the gallery. These are older photos from a previous version of the website (before using Oxwall).


I have tried changing the "id" in the "ow_photo" database to a lower number. This moves the photo to the beginning of the photo page like I want, but the photo is no longer visible. It's just a grey box.


Does anyone have any ideas?

Kurt Dec 4 '14

I did a little more research and discovered why the photo disappear when I change the "id".

The photo plugin uses the "id" to reference the photo's age, but when the photo is uploaded it creates 5 separate photos named using the "id" and a "hash".


I was able to successfully move a photo to the beginning of the gallery by changing the "id" portion of all 5 photo's names to the same number as the "id" in the database.


This serves the purpose for what I want to do, but is far too complex to do to hundreds of photos.


I would still like to know if anyone has any idea how to accomplish this a bit easier. 

ross Team
ross Dec 4 '14

go here: ow_plugins/photo/bol/photo_dao.php

 public function getPhotoList on line 298

within the body of the method on line 319: 

 ORDER BY `p`.`id` DESC 

- all you need to do is remove DESC