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omotayo olaoye
omotayo olaoye Dec 4 '14

help me out, after i installed this great software Oxwall to my main domain, i also install another software to subdomain, but the message i saw is this.

PAGE NOT FOUNDSorry, this document doesn't exist.please help me.my domain: www.site: easywealthclub.netpleaseusername: adminpasspord: ololade1.

ross Team
ross Dec 4 '14

If you mean you cannot open another software that is in your subfolder, definitely there's some htaccess conflict if so, please look here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3913?page=1#post-17955

If you mean you cannot open Oxwall website I just went to  http://easywealthclub.net/ and the websites loads just fine.