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getting my database backup online (Solved) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Pete Dec 5 '14

I tried  reinstalling my database back up  but I keep getting this error


SQL query:

-- Table structure for table `ow_ads_banner`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ow_ads_banner` ;

MySQL said: Documentation

#1046 - No database selected

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 8 '14
Pete Dec 5 '14

Anybody got any idea how to fix this

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 5 '14
Have you installed advertisement plugin on your site?
Pete Dec 5 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 6 '14
Try disabling it.
Pete Dec 6 '14

I cant install my database ,it has nothing to do with my main website

Pete Dec 6 '14
I need to fix the backup  database so I can install it
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 6 '14
Your screenshot is not opening?
Pete Dec 6 '14
It is just a copy of the error message showing in my DB  while trying to install backup
ross Team
ross Dec 7 '14
Pete, have you created a database before you have tried to import the backup?

If no, you need to create one first, then import the backup into that database. 

ross Team
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 7 '14
+1 Ross
Pete Dec 8 '14

I created database Ross 

ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Please provide the screenshots of the steps you take for importing database. 
Pete Dec 8 '14
I am importing  the backup Ross ,like I have done in past . I have just changed host ,maybe I need to edit the  database name in the database back up
The Forum post is edited by Pete Dec 8 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Have you entered the database where you want to import your backup to?

I see you marked the post as Fixed. What was the cause of the issue? How did you solve it?

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 8 '14
Pete Dec 8 '14
When I went to PhpMyAdmin.  to drop database ,there was only one database there ,so i was not clicking on the one database ,instead i was just trying to import my backup .Im such a nob   lol  thanks far your help Ross
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Alright, Thanks for letting us know.