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Can all latest default plugins by Oxwall Software be compatible with 1.7.1 ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kelvin Dec 5 '14
Can all latest default plugins by Oxwall Software be compatible with 1.7.1 ? Because it show 1.7.2 only. Can I update them if I still using Oxwall 1.7.1 platform ?
bobbi Dec 5 '14
i wouldnt update them, wait until you are ready to update the platform, your site may go down if you do,
Kelvin Dec 5 '14
Thank you very much !! I won't update. Oxwall 1.7.2 is look like having some issues.
ross Team
ross Dec 7 '14
Latest plugins are compatible with 1.7.2 platform only. You need to update the platform first, then plugins.