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Edits made to base.css are not reflected on the site | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Just Dec 5 '14
I have edited the origin base.css with multiple changes to color and layout. Some of the changes are reflected on my site, but many others are not until I place the exact same css strings in the EDIT CSS section of the Admin panel. 

Once I place the strings there, the changes appear. Am I supposed to be making these changes somewhere other than/in addition to the base.css file?

Attached are the current base.css file and a copy of the css strings that I am pasting into EDIT CSS with some commentary as to what i am achieving with these strings. I'd rather have this all working from the base.css file if possible so that I can zip this as a theme. (On a side note, even though the changes reflect on the site after adding to EDIT CSS, many of the changes do not show up in admin. I'd also like to know if changes need to be made elsewhere for admin.)


  why_dont_these_stick.txt (2Kb)
  base.zip (23Kb)
Harry Dec 5 '14
Your changes are not fully reflecting because the existing styles are being cached by the oxwall server, so you need to clear that.  One way to do it is to use the cache extreme plugin ( if you dont already have it I dont think its available in the store anymore).  You can also change your site into dev mode by editing the file /ox_includes/config.php,  and changing the following (there are two instances; change the second one ):

    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);


    define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);

Save the file and refresh your page.  Then change the file back.

Just Dec 6 '14

Quote from Harry B Your changes are not fully reflecting because the existing styles are being cached by the oxwall server, so you need to clear that.  One way to do it is to use the cache extreme plugin ( if you dont already have it I dont think its available in the store anymore).  You can also change your site into dev mode by editing the file /ox_includes/config.php,  and changing the following (there are two instances; change the second one ):

    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);


    define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);

Save the file and refresh your page.  Then change the file back.

Thank you! 

I had tried this several times including Cache Extreme to no avail, but I checked eached of these things again and also cleared browser cache. This worked for all but the following:

1) The drop down menus under User and Admin buttons are white rather than black (both site and admin panel.)

2) The header beneath Customize This Page on the Forum and Main pages is black instead of gray.

I have to add the following strings to EDIT CSS in order to get the desired results for the dropdown menus:

.ow_console_dropdown_hover:hover {

    background: #000; /* url(images/console_active_item_bg.png) repeat-x 0px 0px;*/

    border-color: #8b8b8b;

    cursor: pointer;

    color: #fff;    


.ow_console .ow_tooltip_body {


    border: 1px solid #363636;

    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

    -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

    box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);


And this for the gray headers:

.ow_highbox_table .ow_highbox,



        background-color: #a4a8ab;


All of which is already in the base.css file. Any ideas?

The Forum post is edited by Just Dec 6 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 6 '14
+1 Chris
Harry Dec 6 '14
+1 Chris
Den Team
Den Dec 7 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Just, Crhis is right, you need to apply your CSS styles via Theme customizer in the Admin Panel otherwise they'll be overwritten while next update of the software. 
Just Dec 11 '14
Thank you Chris, et al. I appreciate the responses. 

I wasn't sure if the number of changes I have made to the css would slow things down so I was hoping that I could make them all to the base.css and then pack it all as my own custom theme, which I could apply after any updates. 

But I'm new to this so if there is no difference between the load times of base.css changes and theme customizer css changes then I guess it might make sense to make changes in the edit css area.

The other issue I may face is that I have changed nearly every image in the theme so would I need to keep a backup folder of all of the images on my server and replace the image folder after each update? What about changes made in admin, such as custom menu icons in the pages module?

All that said, I'm still perplexed as to why the code I posted above has no effect in base.css but does in the theme editor. (Even after wiping all caches everywhere.)

The Forum post is edited by Just Dec 11 '14