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Admin Language Edits not updating. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ken Dec 20 '11

I have just installed the Oxwall store and am now using the graphite + theme. Trying to modify any of the language keys from the admin pages results in no change. I do get the message Values Updated but they have not been.

I turned on profiling and whilst that is very useful, it does not actually return any queries being executed before the page loads i.e. any mysql insert queries such as update.

Server fully meets requirements but as I am on a shared server I cannot modify the mysql.ini to get logging so cannot log queries to see what is going on that way.

Any ideas anyone?

Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 26 '11
Language files are cached in the /ow_pluginfiles/base folder. Check permissions for that folder and set them to 777 recursively. That should solve the issue.