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Static Privacy Settings Not Updated for Videos, Blogs, etc | Forum

Harry Dec 6 '14
I noticed that in the video_clips, blogs, forums, etc tables that there is a column for privacy (everyone, friends_only, etc ) which is populated upon adding the item.  However, what if the member changes their security settings?  I don't see that the settings in the video, blogs or the like are updated as well ( or maybe I am mistaken? ), which then makes things out of whack and inconsistent.   If this is so, will this be addressed - and if so, when?

Many thanks again for the great work!

Harry Dec 6 '14
Additionally, I see that in the video pages ( latest, top rated, etc ) they are only pulling videos marked with 'Everyone' as the viewing segment and not even checking to see if the video embedder is a friend of mine ( it's not even drawing the page visitor's user id).  This example below from clip_dao.php shows such an issue with the featured videos being pulled:

            case 'featured':                $clipFeaturedDao = VIDEO_BOL_ClipFeaturedDao::getInstance();
                $query = "                    

SELECT `c`.*   

 FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` AS `c`                    

LEFT JOIN `" . $clipFeaturedDao->getTableName() . "` 

AS `f` ON (`f`.`clipId`=`c`.`id`)                    

WHERE `c`.`status` = 'approved' AND `c`.`privacy` = 'Everybody' AND `f`.`id` IS NOT NULL                    ORDER BY `c`.`addDatetime` DESC                    LIMIT :first, :limit";

 $qParams = array('first' => $first, 'limit' => $limit);
                return $this->dbo->queryForObjectList($query, 'VIDEO_BOL_Clip', $qParams, $cacheLifeTime, $cacheTags);

The same rings true for latest videos, and so on.  Is this by design or just an oversight?

The Forum post is edited by Harry Dec 6 '14
Harry Dec 6 '14
I do see, for example, that the video plugin has a privacy update function, but it's not clear when it is used ( since changing the general privacy settings has no bearing on the video tables and there is no privacy setting on a video by video basis).  
The Forum post is edited by Harry Dec 6 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 9 '14
We are aware of this privacy bug, we have already reported it to our developers it will be fixed asap. 
Harry Dec 9 '14
Thank you very much, Ross, as alway an amazing job you do.