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moderator tool | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
dave Leader
dave Dec 8 '14
How to add a moderator tool, it shows no items on the moderator tool page. 


ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Dave a user have to flag something like video, photo, newsfeed item or a user
dave Leader
dave Dec 8 '14
ok thanks i got it now.. :)

what confused me was the page title, its not a tools page at all, its a disposition page.  So to call it moderation tools is wrong, it should be just moderation, as there is not a single tool there. 

and moderation flags does not work because they indicates that it has to do with the actual flags themselves. 

So i just changed mine to read Moderation Items, makes better sense. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 8 '14