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is there an update for messages plugin? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
UTAN Dec 9 '14
So I am getting a new messages plugin , I got this.

Are you sure you want to update 'Messages' plugin from version 8521 to 8523?

Can anyone tell me where to find it, I need to update..

Oh can't do on the admin panel..
UTAN Dec 9 '14
Because I upload all my stuff by wget ubuntu server.. I don't have FTP server installed..
Is there any link to the package?
UTAN Dec 9 '14
upss, I saw the zip download u left..

thanks mate..
UTAN Dec 9 '14
Anyone have the changlogs?

What is this new update tackling?
ross Team
ross Dec 9 '14
The update includes a couple of fixes related to the console notification not resetting, and red popup, which a user gets if he/she had a chat conversation with the deleted user.
UTAN Dec 9 '14
check this thread http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/29936 .. about plugin...