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How to change top menu text color ?[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
dan cuba
dan cuba Dec 13 '14

I am unable to figure out how to change the top menu font color.  I am still a bit of a newbie so sorry if this is a silly question. 

I am using Calibre theme and shop pro plug in.  I have tinkered with changing all the text color options within shop pro and theme. 

Can some one forward me to someone or to the right place for this or do you know how?

Thank you for your time!
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 15 '14
dan cuba
dan cuba Dec 13 '14

Is this it?  I am tempted to change this in CSS.
dan cuba
dan cuba Dec 13 '14
Do i just paste the entire code with new changes in the "Edit CSS" ??

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 14 '14
Quote from dan cuba Do i just paste the entire code with new changes in the "Edit CSS" ??

Yes, But for shop pro plugin you have to contact the developer for its modification, If you want to customize any oxwall theme, there is a great article for that:

custom design

dan cuba
dan cuba Dec 14 '14
thank you
ross Team
ross Dec 14 '14
Dan, all your requests and questions regarding 3rd party themes and plugin should be directed to the developers as we do not provide assistance with 3rd party plugins. 
dan cuba
dan cuba Dec 15 '14

Quote from ross Dan, all your requests and questions regarding 3rd party themes and plugin should be directed to the developers as we do not provide assistance with 3rd party plugins. 

Thank you. Like i said i am a newbie and I already apologized and thanks to Durlabh Ashok he kindly forwarded be into the right direction.  Another lesson learned.. thanks to all for your help!!!  Aron the developer of Shop Pro has helped me to fix this.  Cheers!  He really knows his stuff.
The Forum post is edited by dan cuba Dec 15 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Great. Thanks for letting us know. 
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.