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Where are changes to user roles and profile questions stored? (Resolved) | Forum

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Just Dec 14 '14
I have an Oxwall setup that had some major corruptions as I was setting it up and had to take it down. I have a new installation working and am wondering if I can somehow import or copy all of the changes I made to the user roles and profile questions. Even if I have to copy and paste from one file to the new file. I made significant changes/additions and would rather not have to spend another 2 hours making all those changes again.

Can anyone point me to the file(s) where these changes would appear?


The Forum post is edited by Just Dec 18 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
What exact changes are you referring to? We need the exact list of the changes you made. 

The basic info is stored in the database: 



Just Dec 16 '14
There-in lies the issue, I don't have a list of changes. That is what I want the files for. 

I added around two dozen profile questions with various answers and a dozen user roles to match up with those questions. I believe I have a screen shot of the questions, but not the answers nor user roles. 

I was just hoping to avoid trying to remember all of the details and then having to input all of those changes again. I thought perhaps that changes in those areas were recorded in accessible/transferable files.

I am not sure how/where I would access the files you referenced above as they don't seem to be available in the normal installation folders. (I've not tried to access db info before.) 

The Forum post is edited by Just Dec 16 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 17 '14
Just, why don't you use the same backup database on your new installation? 

That will be the easiest way, all you need to do is  to change the database access details in config.php and make sure that the database backup is of the same version as your new installation. 

Of course you can do the import of the database tables which has changes you did on your website, but if your new website has different account types or plugin which has some dependencies on account types and user roles you can ruin your new installation. 

Just Dec 18 '14
Ross, once again thank you for your response. I was able to switch db's as you recommended. Unfortunately, it was the db that was corrupted in the first instance so that I could not use it for my live site. 

I was however able to open the profile questions section of the admin area from the first instance. I then copied all of the questions and selections into a txt file, which I was then able to paste into my current Oxwall instance. So not quite as simple as if I could have just switched db's, but way faster than having to recreate all of the changes I had made. Everything is working great now.

I appreciate the assistance. And for the record, your method would likely work for most others in a similar situation to mine.

ross Team
ross Dec 18 '14
Alright, thanks for letting us know. It's a pity the database was corrupted.