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How to display menu items based on user role? | Forum

Guna Dec 15 '14
I am working on my oxwall site.

I have 2 types of users.

1. Admin

2. Standard User

If Admin logged in, the menu items will be displayed as it is.

If a standard user logged in, some of the menu items should hide.

How to do this?

I found that ow_system_plugins/base/bol/navigation_service.php is responsible to show menu.

But in which line of code, I should check the user role?

Daisy Team
Daisy Jan 19 '15
Guna, this requires quite complex modification within the core functionality. You will need to develop functionality for the role service within the navigation system and then use this functionality to display the menu items according to the role. Unfortunately we can't provide detailed instructions.
The Forum post is edited by Daisy Jan 21 '15