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redirect using .htaccess to sign-in page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Dec 15 '14
I want to redirect the page using .htaccess not by html redirect because there is a flash of the html page and the the redirect takes place. how can I use redirect 301 or somehting like that
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Redirect from what page?
luke dane
luke dane Dec 16 '14
I want the sign-in page to be the first thing you see once you click to come on the website.
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
Why don't you close your website for guest, this way, all pages will redirect to the sign-in page?
luke dane
luke dane Dec 17 '14
 yeah but then the guest cannot see the footer pages such as terms and privacy which I want visitors to see just like any other website out there or maybe I am doing something wrong.