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change login page on join page [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
I wanna change the page login to the page join, how can i do that ?

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 16 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
You need to elaborate your request. What are you trying to achieve? 
Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
in the login page page i want to change the form of login with the form of join

when the user is offline it will be redirected to the login page when I want it to be redirected to the join

ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand what page should be displayed and where it should redirect to. You need to elaborate with more details
Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
when user open the website, he will be redirect to login page cause he's offline no ?
so i want that he will be redirected to the page join
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
Go here: www.yoursite.com/admin/pages/manage and drag and drop join page to the first position, see screenshot: 

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 16 '14
Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
thank you for your answer but that's not it
if my site is www.exemple.com, the user will always redirected to the login page with the same url www.exemple.com, so it is configured in the code, he can not see the menu or anything the site.
ok all that is fine, but what I want is that it will
redirected to the join page and not to the login page
that's my problem
Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
here is the join page, I want the user to be redirected here if he's not logged
  Capturejoin.JPG (36Kb)
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
The solution I provided to you is exactly what you're looking for. 
Quote from ross Go here: www.yoursite.com/admin/pages/manage and drag and drop join page to the first position, see screenshot: 

Asma Ben Sassi
Asma Ben Sassi Dec 16 '14
yes yes  :D
thanks  :)))
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
I'm going to mark this post as Solved then.