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Video Upload | Forum

Nikolay Dec 17 '14
Hi everyone, so I'm building a video website and it's very essential to support video upload. I saw there is a plugin in the store (http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/276) but there are a lot of mixed reviews so I'm not sure whether to buy it.

Anyone here has any experience with it or if you can suggest some alternatives? Thanks in advance

Den Team
Den Dec 17 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Dec 18 '14
I have been using it for near two years with no real issues, any issue you may run into developer Purusothaman is always good at taking care of it...
Wilson Dec 18 '14

Hey Nikolay,

I got this plugin and yes Purusothaman does respond with great support for all his plugins. But we could not get it working right. So I asked Purusothaman about the FILE UPLOAD plugin he offers http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/425 and he gave me that instead of refunding my money and I went with that plugin. You can upload ANY file format and it works great!

What ever you decide on getting, Purusothaman has great support for ALL his plugins! He gets a five star ratting from me for support!

good luck,


Nikolay Dec 21 '14

Quote from Wilson

Hey Nikolay,

I got this plugin and yes Purusothaman does respond with great support for all his plugins. But we could not get it working right. So I asked Purusothaman about the FILE UPLOAD plugin he offers http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/425 and he gave me that instead of refunding my money and I went with that plugin. You can upload ANY file format and it works great!

What ever you decide on getting, Purusothaman has great support for ALL his plugins! He gets a five star ratting from me for support!

good luck,


Hi Wilson, 

Thanks for your reply. I saw some pics from that plugin but they were mainly for document so my question is - would I be able with it to implement a video upload similar to youtube or any other video website? Users upload the videos and then they show up in the video plugins page and they can be viewed? 

This maybe a silly question but I just want to make sure before making the purchase because I'm on a tight budget. :)



Wilson Dec 21 '14
Hey Nikolay,

This plugin is designed for Oxwall core, when someone clicks onto your VIDEO link PAGE. It will take them to that page...very similar to the "Photo" page. There they will be able to post any VIDEO format you allow and they can post description about the video...also others can vote on it too. It will also show up on the "Main" page widget.

It works great for me, I change the titles from file upload to "VIDEO" everywhere in the language keys...works great! If your NOT happy with it, Purusothaman will refund your money I'm sure of it....he has great support. Give it a try, I think you will be happy!


ps...let e know how things work out!