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Plug-in editing for mobile (turning them off and on) | Forum

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Kenneth Dec 18 '14
I am curious can plug-ins be edited to remove their features from mobile if they are broken or not working right in mobile. I noticed when you activate a plugin you can edit the activate settings to change where the widgets go in the desktop version like DASHBOARD, INDEX, PROFILE etc" Can these plug-ins however be turned off for mobile use if they work fine for the desktop but cause errors and problems for mobile oxwall.
ross Team
ross Dec 18 '14
Kenneth what exactly is not working in mobile version?

You can drag and drop the pages to the hidden section here: www.site.com/admin/mobile/navigation to hide them from users. 

Kenneth Dec 18 '14

Quote from ross Kenneth what exactly is not working in mobile version?

You can drag and drop the pages to the hidden section here: www.site.com/admin/mobile/navigation to hide them from users. 

It is smileys, It causes a broken newsfeed in the mobile version. https://cimmarian.com/mobile-version this does however work for desktop version. The developer does not know quite how to solve the problem yet. So I was wondering if they can be manually moved from mobile only.
ross Team
ross Dec 18 '14
I don't know that, a developer should solve that on his own. Contact him again.