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Graphitium theme: upload/change logo image don't work | Forum

Ole Schneider-Konrad
I can not add a logo in Theme Settings for Graphitium theme.
when I upload an image in the Logo image field, it's not there after save.
The image preview doesn't show anything either.
When I hover the preview field the link in the browser status line says javascript://
Same for Page background image and Page header image.
What has to be done to be able to upload / change the images?
Ole Schneider-Konrad
I checked the directory /ow_userfiles/themes and found 4 of my files uploaded and renamed (theme_image_1.jpg - theme_image_4.jpg).
There is also a css file (custom_graphitium27686.css) in this directory, containing the following:
.ow_header .ow_logo{background-image:url(http://goledo.com/ow_userfiles/themes/theme_image_3.jpg)}

Maybe someone here has an idea, why the logo doesn't show up.
Instead it says 'Grapfite Logo' on top of page.
Ole Schneider-Konrad
problem solved:
.htaccess in ow_userfiles: Options All -Indexes is not allowed, causes error
Den Team
Den Jan 10 '12
Ok, Thanks for info.