this is what i can find on my cpanel
Console_Getopt1.3.1Documentatie tonenPEAR1.9.5Documentatie tonenStructures_Graph1.0.4Documentatie tonenXML_RPC1.5.5Documentatie tonenXML_Util1.2.3Documentatie tonen
good mornig. I did what you asked. The birthday is causing the problem. how van we solve this Ross?
The users who joined your website should have filled them out otherwise they won't appear in the search results;
Also this birthday field should be required on join page for members to fill it out.
Oxwall does not support couples, which is why the only solution for you is to get Skadate dating software, those fields are codependent in that software.
You can make a post in the custom code modification section of the forum. Probably some community member will assist you to do that, but I doubt that someone can do that for free.
Also you can hire a programmer here: