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oxwall update | Forum

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jeo Jan 23 '12
Is the next update ready yet, if yes i havent got an update in my admin panel :( if no then when will it be ready cause i hard it be this week? thanks
dhruv Jan 23 '12
@jeo, its still in beta stage, and available only for some high ranked members.

it will be out soon. but its not out for users like us yet coz it may have some loop holes which may be harmful if it goes online for end users :)
jeo Jan 23 '12
so when do you fink we be able to use the next update cause i rely need the facebook invite! and thanks for your reply :)
jeo Jan 23 '12
@Leo thanks i look now
jeo Jan 23 '12
But it still dnt rely say when and what day it will be realest :( i hope it be this week cause im not gaining anuth traffic with out an facebook invite plugin :(
jeo Jan 23 '12
Ok thanks guys i just wait a little more longer :)
Matthew Jan 23 '12
How will the new version affect current plugins as well as system calls for new plugin development?
jeo Jan 29 '12
Still no update :( my site is dieing slowly cause cart get more users online with out a facebook inviter my site will not grow!
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 1 '12
Patience is a virtue. We cannot release the build that has some imperfections because it would disappoint all Oxwall users. But our team is doing our best to release a solid package in nearest future. Just some more patience.
jeo Feb 1 '12
ok mate sorry to keep on and i understand its hard work to. keep up the good work team :)
jeo Feb 7 '12
im sorry to be a pain but week after week i been looking forwards for the next update cause of "facebook invite" and oxwall blog's say that it be one more week since the 18/1/12 and now its 7/2/12 today so could someone tell be a date of release so i don't haft to keep on asking all the time?

I hope you understand my point! thanks
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 7 '12
I can understand the impatience but unfortunately they would rather release a product slower with less bug potential.    Oxwall rushed a release once and it was a killer!  Thankfully it was quickly sorted.  Now they will be extra sure before releasing.  Rest assured it will be soon probably!
jeo Feb 7 '12
Ok Michael :)