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Bad plugin still selling after complaints | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Apr 7 '15
Yes that is very unfortunate and obviously their seems to be much improvement that needs to happen with the whole store program.  However i do feel that improvement is forthcoming in the near future. It is good that we all keep the discussion open and in the present in order to achieve results.  Sometimes change takes time but change will happen.
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 7 '15
dave this has been discussed so many times but the forums have been removed 

in my plugin list its 1/6 i can use and work great another 1/6 that will lots of fixing have managed to be able to use them

and 4/6  just completely useless plugins

is not a very good ratio if 1/6 were useless would be understandable
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Apr 8 '15
Quote from dave Yes that is very unfortunate and obviously their seems to be much improvement that needs to happen with the whole store program.  However i do feel that improvement is forthcoming in the near future. It is good that we all keep the discussion open and in the present in order to achieve results.  Sometimes change takes time but change will happen.

+1 Dave, I agree. I think Oxwall team is currently busy in addressing the issues/bugs in the script, once they are done I am sure they will do some pretty big changes to the store and bring the some proper guidelines/rules for Plugins' development and Compatibility. 
dave Leader
dave Apr 11 '15
I also wanted to add to this about plugins that have links to support or demo sites that are expired domains.  There is nothing so sad and aggravating than to pull up a plugin only to see that the demo and support website no longer exists and receives a 404 page.  

Developers if your going to be professional, then pay for your domains and keep them alive. Take ownership of your plugin and keep the information current.  We all make mistakes but this is a quite common issue and very disappointing.  

Off hand i can think of at least 10 plugins that would and should go bye bye very quickly.  

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 11 '15
theres a few plugin demos like younetts media inporter that is nothing like the one in store

over 12 months ago i showed them that it breaks newsfeed on it inserting the post into it 

so on there demo they stopped it from posting to newsfeed so it works
but have done nothing with the plugin in store 
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Apr 11 '15

I agree att changes will come, and they are absolutely necessary. Yes, we must keep the discussion open. But we must not forget that Oxwall is a free software, and many plugins and themes also. So a certain respect and humility should we see, at least as a thank you that all this is possible for you and me.

That said, it is enough some developers at the store that should sharpen up, which shows poor customer service and lack of info out and often. Some also have a tendency to take into account the fact the criticism the wrong way and responds either with a passive attitude to customers serious criticism. And you who come by at times with junk criticism or dramatises criticism expect when no reply from developers. So you can probably send this ball both ways too.

But we hope att developers reading this thread, taking into account the fact the serious honest criticism and helps to improve the people think is bad. but it is their responsibility just as much as our responsibility as customers, to keep the debate down to a friendly level as possible. Let tone down the debate to what it should be about positive changes. What is past is past, but what should be done, is one of the crucial questions that can provide fresh fruits in the future.

Plugins need simple good howto. The simplest and best way to do this is to show how to use one plugin, or how things should be done. 

Here I show one example of how I show guests how to sign up at my Sosialt nett

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Apr 11 '15
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