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Amazon S3 problems[Solved] | Forum

Sean Feb 4 '15
Hi if you travel to this URL you can see that my images load fine


But when I enter that url as my bucket URL in the config it does not display images.

define('OW_AMAZON_S3_BUCKET_URL', 'https://bnbucket.s3.amazonaws.com/');

Any ideas? (also when uploading photos it says its either too big or an invalid format)

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 9 '15
ross Team
ross Feb 4 '15
try it with http
Sean Feb 5 '15
Okay photos are now displaying but when I try to upload any I get this error: http://prntscr.com/61dpmo
ross Team
ross Feb 5 '15
Sean, you need to do the following:

Go to the ow_plugins/photo/controllers/ajax_upload.php

on line 95, you should see this code: 

if ( !empty($file['file']['error']) )        {            switch ( $file['file']['error'] )

right before switch enter this code: 

OW::getLogger()->addEntry('Photo upload error: ' . $file['file']['error']);

so it should look like this: 

f ( !empty($file['file']['error']) )        {OW::getLogger()->addEntry('Photo upload error: ' . $file['file']['error']);            switch ( $file['file']['error'] )

after you do that, try to upload the photo again you'll get the error you posted. 

after that go to ow_logs/error_log file and find the corresponding error. It will start with these words: Photo upload error: THE TEXT OF THE ERROR. 

please provide the error you get. 

Sean Feb 7 '15
Did I do it right? Because It's not writing anything in OW_Logs

The Forum post is edited by Sean Feb 7 '15
Sean Feb 7 '15
Update: Also displays error when uploading profile picture.
ross Team
ross Feb 8 '15
Sean, can you please PM me your admin and FTP access details, please?
ross Team
ross Feb 9 '15
Sean is your bucket have permissions to write in it? 
Sean Feb 9 '15

Quote from ross Sean is your bucket have permissions to write in it? 
These are my current permissions. Sorry for the trouble, this is the first time I've used Amazon S3 on anything.

ross Team
ross Feb 9 '15
The issue was solved by enabled GD library on the server. 
John Staples
John Staples Jan 19
Hi! The best streaming service, according to many users, is Amazon Prime Video, which is well known for its affordable prices, huge library of video content, and trouble-free performance. Most of the users have no difficulty while using this streaming service and for this, they rate it highly. And if small problems arise, then everyone knows that just contact amazon prime video  tell them about your problem, and they will certainly help fix it so that the user is satisfied.
Post Minder
Post Minder Oct 9
A tribute to global journeys, eco-conscious living, and fine fabrics, Là Fuori unites 'nomadic hearts' who cherish and protect the traditions of artisan communities around the world. La Fuori