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Integrated with SkaDate software profiles? - Cbox Widget | Forum

Jeff Feb 6 '15
Hi. Just bought your cbox. Thought it would automatically integrate the user logged into my site using SkaDate software.

The product i was looking for what a shoutout box; when the user has created his/her profile on my site, the shoutout box would appear on the dashboard, and they wouldt have to write their name now they are logged in. So when they write a text, it would appear for everybody with their name and profile picture.

Does your premium version of cbox do this?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
If you have CBOX premium account, this plugin will automatically integrate your site urls and profile avatars.

This plugin does not have premium version. It's for the CBOX account that matters.

Hope I am making sense to you. If not please let me know.
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