I'm a little new to the subject of running cron jobs, but was curious. I think I finally entered the correct command for my server 24 hosting.
This is the command i used in cpanel
/usr/local/bin/php /home/domain/public_html/subdomain/ow_cron/run.php
replacing domain with my domain name and subdomain with my subdomain name.
Since imputing this I have not got an error message sent back to me in email and something triggered on my site that I was trying to configure. I tried a data import using wall.fm export files and salt that seemed to have completed and I suddenly had a lot of updates to my pluggins.
The reason why I'm curious is under cpanel it says that an email will be sent to your ever time cron job runs.
I am not getting emails? is there something written in the run.php that suppresses the email from being sent?