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Errror in CRON-Job | Forum

Barry Feb 3 '11
I'm a little new to the subject of running cron jobs, but was curious. I think I finally entered the correct command for my server 24 hosting.
This is the command i used in cpanel

/usr/local/bin/php /home/domain/public_html/subdomain/ow_cron/run.php

replacing domain with my domain name and subdomain with my subdomain name.

Since imputing this I have not got an error message sent back to me in email and something triggered on my site that I was trying to configure. I tried a data import using wall.fm export files and salt that seemed to have completed and I suddenly had a lot of updates to my pluggins.

The reason why I'm curious is under cpanel it says that an email will be sent to your ever time cron job runs.

I am not getting emails? is there something written in the run.php that suppresses the email from being sent?
Barry Feb 3 '11

Quote from Pedro

the correct path is /usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/yourdomain/ow_cron/run.php that will work. with no -q or anything else. also make sure you enter the correct info for the minutes job to run. minutes 0-59 Hours 0-23 day of the months 1-31 Month 1-12 and days of the week 0-7. enjoy the info. try that you will not receive cron mail

I guess this answers my question?

Is there a reason that it overrides cpanel sending email, is it hardcoded in run.php somewhere i'm missing?
Den Team
Den Feb 3 '11
You don't get any emails cos cronjob doesn't have any errors/output.
Kvn Aug 14 '11
Hi. I realy got the same problem.
I tried to setup cron job in several different ways. Yet I got my updates working, but mail invitations and other mail services are not.
Maybe I have to change something in run.php file?
Help me to overcome this problem, please.
Den Team
Den Aug 16 '11
Do you have mail() function connected with your sendmail server?
Kvn Aug 17 '11
I don't know. How should I check it?
Den Team
Den Aug 20 '11
Please, contact your hoster about this.
Den Team
Den Nov 21 '11
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
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