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Creditpack not added? Urgent! (SOLVED) | Forum

Christer Feb 10 '15
So I have CCBill plugin and all is good in there end, all is good in my admin for ccbill,they been inside and looked.Customer can order and get confirmation email etc but then the credits are not added to the site.
I know its a 3 part plugin and I have mail skalfa as the issue is most likely in the credit plugin but I dont have time to wait for days before get a answer as I have customer ordering now,so wonder if anyone had some issue when you set up our site?
The Forum post is edited by Christer Feb 19 '15
ross Team
ross Feb 10 '15
Christer, wait for the reply from Skalfa developers, as Oxwall team does not provide assistance with 3rd party plugins or themes. 

I hope some community member would assist you with that. 

Christer Feb 10 '15
Yeah I waiting but like you said I hope some one else had this issue and could advice. Thanks Ross
Christer Feb 10 '15
I take back the part of my comment about wait for days as I get help from Skalfa now and that was very fast so I apologize to Skalfa if I sounded like I had a stick up my a##. Answer was fast and helpful. Now lets see if I can fix this.Thanks
Christer Feb 19 '15
Solved by excellent service from Skalfa
ross Team
ross Feb 19 '15
Great. Thanks for letting us know.