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Blog subscription? | Forum

matt Feb 12 '15

Has anyone made a blog subscription module? So that users can subscribe (and get notifications) of a new blog post?
Lucas Feb 13 '15
interesting option.
iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
you can hire any developer to implement this.
matt Feb 20 '15
Perhaps a developer will make a plugin.
Den Team
Den Feb 24 '15
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
matt Feb 25 '15
It seems to me that things like subscriptions, could be ubiquitous through the oxwall core. I will give that some more thought, before posting on uservoice.
Great_Day Mar 1 '15
I am going to give this a shot. Should be done before the 16th of this month. It might be a plugin (I hope that is doable) or otherwise my developer will rewrite the blog plugin and embed that. Will be updated soon. 
matt Mar 2 '15
Cool! Let us know how you get on.
Great_Day Mar 17 '15
Unfortunately my developer hasn't been able to finish the modification / plugin on time. I am now trying to find out what is going on. For now this has been postponed to an unknown date - not canceled. To be continued...

I am sorry.

Stan Apr 9 '15
I have made this plugin, just uploaded to the store and waiting to be approved. Once it is approved, I will post a link to it and you can mark this as solved.
Stan Apr 21 '15
Well, a bit delayed but here it is : www.oxwall.org/store/item/1081