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Chat Sound not working | Forum

Saqib Manzoor
Saqib Manzoor Feb 16 '15
Hi Sir 

how are you?

my oxwall community chat sound not working. when any user start chating with other, sound alert not working. any idea or solution?

Waiting for reply. thank you

Best Regards

Saqib Manzoor

ross Team
ross Feb 16 '15
Click on the chat sound icon in the left bottom corner of the chat window to enable sounds in chat. 
Jozef Feb 23 '15
Yes I have this problem too, chat sound icon shows "ON"  but no sound, I must sound off and on again and then it works...
DeFender Feb 23 '15

Quote from Jozef Yes I have this problem too, chat sound icon shows "ON"  but no sound, I must sound off and on again and then it works...
me too
ross Team
ross Feb 23 '15
Thank you guys, we have already reported this to our developers it will be fixed asap. 
DeFender Feb 24 '15
vielen Dank :)

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 24 '15
ross i showed you this problem almost 6 months ago
to get sound working users have to click urn sound off then click turn sound on to get
chat sound working and back then was marked as to be fixed 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 24 '15
ross Team
ross Feb 24 '15
I know that, which is why I wrote the problem is already reported. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 26 '15
ok cool

i was a bit sleepy when i read it and thought you was trouble shoot it again 

Jordi Mar 12 '15
Some news about this? 
Jordi Mar 12 '15
maybe turn it off by default?  
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '15
Unfortunately no new yes. 

Jordi Mar 12 '15
is it a option to set it off by default so that when they turn it on its working?

ross Team
ross Mar 12 '15
this is a custom code modification. you can do that on your own or hire a programmer: http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists also you can make a post in the custom code modification section, some community member might assist you with this. 
Jordi Mar 12 '15
i am just want to look for a workaround for this bug... 
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '15
Quote from ross Thank you guys, we have already reported this to our developers it will be fixed asap. 

ross Team
ross Mar 23 '15
in the file -ow_plugins/mailbox/ static/js/contactmanager.js
find the line 2903

if ( parseInt(im_readCookie('im_soundEnabled')) && css_class == null){

replace with

var soundEnabled = im_readCookie('im_soundEnabled');
var isSoundEnabled = soundEnabled !== null
? parseInt(soundEnabled)
: OWMailbox.soundEnabled; // use the default value

if (css_class == null && isSoundEnabled){

then enable dev mode, refresh the website disable dev mode. 
Jordi Mar 23 '15

is this the fix or is it to turn the sound off by default? 

Jordi Mar 23 '15
I tryd this but after that the chat wasn't working anymore
DeFender Mar 23 '15
it is working OK

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