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Scott Feb 7 '12
All my users show online unless they log out through the sign out button. Please help. I have my cron job set, but reluctant to post for security.
Den Team
Den Feb 8 '12
Topic was moved from General Chat.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 8 '12
Sounds like a cron job error.

Post your cron line here but replace your acc info with generic text.

Also what host are you using as some may have a weird way of setting up cron.
Scott Feb 8 '12
Here is the cron job:/home2/hostnae/public_html/addonname/ow_cron/run.php
Scott Feb 8 '12

Sorry I forgot to say the host, I'm with hostmonster.

Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 9 '12
I have this same error

my cron is set proper but still my members are perma-online :(
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 10 '12
Scott, you should try searching the forum before posting a new thread.



Maybe this solution would help: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3341

Dominic, are you using Hostmonster/Bluehost, too?

Scott Feb 10 '12
I did search the forums. I've tried a few of the topics on the forum. Worked on it for 3 days before I posted here tried all related threads. I'm not sure what the "mail exchange" topic has to do with my problem, but it does not seem related. I have talked directedly to hostmonster. They believe the cron job is correct, can anyone else point me to a solution.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 10 '12
double check your chmod, hosting is up to requirements, check the smtp account,

Even check the run.php is not corrupted.

And one other point.  Just because the host says it is right they could be wrong.  It is known to happen.

Maybe you are running your cron every minute and the host doesnt like this, they may have a fault.

Run the cron in SSH and see if there is an error.  That is the best option.  

Scott Feb 11 '12
aka_le_Mulder, I want to say I'm sorry if I came off as a jerk. I had to write my last post while running out the door. I know are trying to help. Michael, I will try what you suggested an report back, thank you.  Love Oxwall by the way.
Scott Feb 11 '12
Also, I want to say that all users read online unless they log out through the "sign out." I've been doing some troubleshooting and just found that out with a test user.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 11 '12
Basically sounds like a classic cron not running problem.

common config path is 
 * * * * * path-to-php-folder/php /home/account/public_html/ow_cron/run.php
(with a space between php and /home)

Can you post your cron config line here?
Scott Feb 11 '12

Woohoo Michael, Awesome. I can't tell you how happy I am that that worked. After looking at the example you gave I saw that I did not have the php / in there. Punched it in, boom! It worked. So any hostmonster user out there looking for the solution here is what worked for me, php /home2/username/public_html/addonname/ow_cron/run.php  


You might have to use home instead of home2 depending...


This makes all users off line off,and online users on, odd how that works, haha. Thanks all!

Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
And Hostmonster support guys should have spotted this.   Oh well.

Cool you got working!
The Forum post is edited by Michael Feb 12 '12
Slawomir Feb 12 '12
Worked for me as well even though I'm with 100TB thanks very much :)
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 12 '12

Quote from aka_le_Mulder

Dominic, are you using Hostmonster/Bluehost, too?

No eukhost. i managed to get mine working in the end, deffo a cron error