Lenny, Let me explain how our system works.
When visitors open the website the system will show the page listed at the first position in the main menu. I.e. if the first menu item is the Main, the system will be load the content of Main page as though it the index page. But if, for example, you will place the Members menu item on the first position, then visitors open the website will see the content of the Members page as the index page content, wherein url will be
http://sitename.com/ but not the http: // sitename.com/users .
The index page has its own route
http://sitename.com/index by default but when it listed as first in the Main menu according to rule of our routing system when you open your site you will see
http://sitename.com / .
We can suggest you a few options how to avoid duplicate content:
First- you can create custom page with some content and place it as a first page in Main Menu.
Second- change .htaccess file by adding 301 redirect. You need to paste these lines after all conditions in the end of file:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /index$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$
http://example\.com\/ [R=301,L]
P.S. If you are using the second version the Main link must be the first in Main menu.