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500 internal error after update to 1.3 | Forum

Heinz Feb 13 '12
Thanks for the help Michael. For the rest of you, my site is back up and running, all I did was transfer all the site files (Not including database) back to the site. Luckily my host does auto backups every night. If you have a hosting company that uses CPanel, you might want to check if they do that as well.
The longest part was downloading all 2 Gigs worth of website files (Zipped) just to pull one website out of the bunch.

Once I copied everything over, the site worked right off the bat. Just in case, I did pull a database backup from the server.

Also, I renamed the folder which held the old buggered site before I transferred the backed up files... just in case I ad to go back. :)

Now the big question... when will the update work properly? This WYSIWYG bug is.... well driving me buggy :)
Bob Feb 16 '12
I have the same error 500 problem but I could not access the admin, so I had to go back to the old version again.

I deactivated all plugins and tried again but then went back to activate them one by one and found they had all gone.

Again I re installed the back up, and I will stay with the old version until someone can find a solution to this.

Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 16 '12
Updated all plugins and theme and still getting internal server error


How do i return to the old version?
The Forum post is edited by Dominic Walters Feb 16 '12
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 17 '12
updated everything again still get server error on main page, tried disabling all plugins i can now access most plugin pages and admin panel but it hasn't solved everything most of the plugins work but I cannot open 'main' or 'dashboard'
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 17 '12
Anyone?? Getting desperate now :-( :-(

I am resigned to losing my site now, 1.3.1 was a bad idea :-(
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 17 '12
As if by magic i found a solution!

downloaded config from includes and changed dev and debug to 'true'

we're back in business!!!!!
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 17 '12
You can now change them back. Sounds like the majority of 500 errors could be template cache errors. Dev mode true should help with this! FYI. my site finally took the 1.3.1 update. I had issues but mostly related to server glitches, cache and corruption in downloads and uploads. Backup your site and don't neglect updates.
Bob Feb 17 '12
I have given up now..

I cant even access the admin page after the update..

Why is this update so hard to install, this is the only program to give this trouble in updating.

Version 2 for me from now on or until they can make the update process easy.

Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 19 '12
sounds like your mail system is not set up, if php mail is disabled on your server set up smtp mail

or turn email activation off

i have this problem with eukhost, they don't allow php mail
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 20 '12
in the admin panel under user settings
Patrick Feb 20 '12
I too am experiencing the 500 error problem. I can access my index page but nothing after that. I have already downloaded the plugin updates as well as a theme update and uploaded them to my server. However, since I cannot access my admin page I cannot complete the update.  I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do at this point. 
Patrick Feb 20 '12
FYI these are the errors i'm getting in debug mode:

OW Debug - WarningMessage:include(/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_plugins/ajaxim/init.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/plugin_manager.phpLine:103OW Debug - WarningMessage:include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_plugins/ajaxim/init.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php')File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/plugin_manager.phpLine:103OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `forum-default` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `blogs` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `event.main_menu_route` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `photo_list_index` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `video_list_index` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:Class NEWSFEED_CMP_SiteFeedWidget does not existFile:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.phpLine:164Trace:#0 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(164): ReflectionClass->__construct('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #1 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(79): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->checkComponent('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #2 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_index.php(105): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->setContentComponentClass('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #3 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/6b995355f2bc3d050ed3d32bf03459c2af040be5.file.drag_and_drop_index.html.php(146): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropIndex->tplComponent(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #4 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(180): content_4f4316f4a8e85(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #5 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/view_renderer.php(101): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('/home/pwoods01/...') #6 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(263): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/home/pwoods01/...') #7 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/component.php(80): OW_Renderable->render() #8 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(250): OW_Component->render() #9 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(56): OW_Renderable->render() #10 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/request_handler.php(274): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->render() #11 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/application.php(300): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #12 /home/pwoods01/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->handleRequest() #13 {main}Type:ReflectionException

Den Team
Den Feb 21 '12

You can login to admin area by typing http://www.mysite.com/admin ;

An error which you provided means that you have missing some system's files. Check, that this file exists /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_plugins/ajaxim/init.php 

And replace it by original file from "Instant Chat" plugin.

Patrick Feb 21 '12
Okay, I can get to the admin panel now on my site however, when i try to navigate to my primary page I am still getting a 500 error. When in debug mode here is the log presented: 

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `forum-default` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `blogs` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `event.main_menu_route` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `photo_list_index` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `video_list_index` not found!File:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:Class NEWSFEED_CMP_SiteFeedWidget does not existFile:/home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.phpLine:164Trace:#0 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(164): ReflectionClass->__construct('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #1 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(79): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->checkComponent('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #2 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_index.php(105): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->setContentComponentClass('NEWSFEED_CMP_Si...') #3 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/6b995355f2bc3d050ed3d32bf03459c2af040be5.file.drag_and_drop_index.html.php(146): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropIndex->tplComponent(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #4 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(180): content_4f4440a385989(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #5 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/view_renderer.php(101): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('/home/pwoods01/...') #6 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(263): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/home/pwoods01/...') #7 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/component.php(80): OW_Renderable->render() #8 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(250): OW_Component->render() #9 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(56): OW_Renderable->render() #10 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/request_handler.php(274): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->render() #11 /home/pwoods01/public_html/ow_core/application.php(300): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #12 /home/pwoods01/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->handleRequest() #13 {main}Type:ReflectionException

Den Team
Den Feb 22 '12
In this way, you should reinstall Oxwall. Most files of your installation was corrupted by some reasons. 
Joseph Apr 2 '12
just uploaded the updated plugins after running the core update and all I get is a 500 error
Christian Apr 3 '12
hello can anyone help , the newsfeed does not seem to work it now repeats automatically what everyone post, the more button does not work anymore 

the star rating plugin for profiles no longer works 

there are alot of broken links in the site 

and oxwall are wrong to make the oxwall sign pop up sating community software if oxwall continues to want to advertise in such away then it looks like l will have to find an alternative as no other site has a pop up to advertise the platform we are using l was happy to have the little oxwall link in the bottom bar but the fact now if you mouse over it it pops up is very disappointing 

l can see no other changes from this upgrade yet it has caused 500 internal error not all the plugins have been updated, and oxwall should of tested for the glitches before they launched this as some of the problems are clear and obvious 

ok and now l have also found facebook connect now does not work and after all the checks and even uninstalling and reinstalling and making a new app on facebook l still get a failed error on the facebook connect 

Gerald Rusche
Gerald Rusche Apr 3 '12
Oh no i cant belive it. Again a software with a nightmare to update?

I did'nt want to make a update before downloading everything. I allready backuped my db. As an accident i klicked on update newsfeed isntead of close window. Now i keep in a error loop. With old database i get a  "Source Code of 'Newsfeed' Plugin has been..." I should update database. If i do i get error 500. If i do not, i am not able to update anything else. So i need the last newsfeed plugin version before 4880. I allready backuped everything else. But cant do anything just for the new newsfeed that i can not update in the db
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad Apr 3 '12
I get an error when updating manually Event
Paul Apr 3 '12
I'm getting some 500 internal errors when I do certain things, as follows:-

(a) clicking "Customise this page" on the index page

(b) clicking on Dashboard

(c) in the admin panel when clicking on "Pages and Menus", clicking either "User Dashboard" or "User Profile"

It also seems that privacy settings have been reset and can't be changed as members can't get to the dashboard page.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve these issues please?  As always, all help is greatly appreciated.

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