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cart unstall plugin to remove error 500! | Forum

jeo Feb 12 '12
I been trying for days to stop my site from showing error 500 but still no hope, plus i read in the forms that i could unstall the plugin that needs updating and it should work. But for some reason i cart unstall it why and is the an other way to stop error 500?
jeo Feb 12 '12
please help me someone
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
you can go into the database and look in the ow_plugins table.  Find the plugin, most likely groups but not sure, and set the active field from 1 to 0.  Then try.
jeo Feb 12 '12
its my credits plugin wil that be the same or not?
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
yeah, consider going to the same plugins table and in the cart set the active biit from a 1 to 0.  That will disable it.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
PLEASE take backups before doing any edits on the site or db!
jeo Feb 12 '12
stil cart unstall it :(
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 15 '12
What happens when you try uninstalling (I believe unstall = uninstall) the plugin?