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500 internal error with forum plugin | Forum

Tony Feb 12 '12
Hello, my problem is that when the forum is active gives error 500, with disabled forum everything works fine.
I've updated 2 times and continued all the same, I tried to uninstall it and apparently the information on screen, should be in the process. but it is not. He keeps following and does nothing

Uninstall forum plugin In progress

 Please wait while all forum content is being removed. This make take awhile depending on the number of forum posts on your site.
The Forum post is edited by Tony Feb 12 '12
Richard Carr
Richard Carr Feb 12 '12
Hi Tony, did this happen after you updated the platform core to 1.3? Supposedly this will happen unless all plugins have been updated (seems to work for most people). However i have this problem with newsfeed plugin, anytime i activate it leads to 500 error.. Sorry i couldnt be of more help..All i know as far as i can see is there is still a 500 error after all plugins have been updated.
Tony Feb 12 '12
Yes, it was after upgrading to 1.3
I was just about the forum and all plugins have been updated automatically.
All plugins are updated.
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 19 '12
Try updating to 1.3.1 and let us know if the issue persists.
Tony Feb 19 '12
The problem is already solved, thanks.
After upgrading to 1.3.1 the problem remained, was resolved to repair the database.
I leave the solution I got for if it happens to someone else.
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 22 '12
Tony, please share because sharing solutions is essential for any open-source product.
Tony Feb 22 '12

Quote from aka_le_Mulder Tony, please share because sharing solutions is essential for any open-source product.
Sorry for my bad English, maybe I did not explain well, the solution was: go to phpMyAdmin and repair the database. (Check all and repair Table)