It was my suggestion ;-) Let moderators approve pictures in private albums before showing on site
a premoderation plugin will not coming soon.
But the plugin will support the moderation toool from oxwall.
yes i understand you but this fun too is not planned now for future updates.
only the moderation tool will be supportet.
This are some ideas to improve it:
+ Refresh the page once the upload is complete.
+ Add "Next" and "Previous" buttons to the photo viewer.
+ Rename the downloaded plugin file, because it is called "PrivateAlbums v3" with no ".zip" extension.
+ Add "Friends" as the default option for privacy. (Or have an option in the plugin Administration to set the default privacy option for new private albums).
+ Add a CSS Class name to the right sidebar div inside ".picFloatbox" to be able to customize it. Actually, make an option to disable comments and remove the sidebar.
+ Have an option to manually set the thumbnail size. Current 84px is too small. Please reuse code from public albums so private albums looks the same. It's more intuitive for users to have same UI.
+ Rename the "Create album" button to "Create private album". When this box is next to the public albums box it may create some confusion. Changing the button text can eliminate that confusion. The title in the modal box should also state "Create Private Album".
+ When viewing another user's private album: SHARED, ALL, ALBUM, MY ALBUMS, and AUTHORIZED USERS, CREATE ALBUM buttons should not be visible. It makes no sense. If this is not your own private album you should have no permission to make any of those actions, so none of those options should be there.
+ Add a "X" button to the photo viewer. I know clicking anywhere works to hide it, but some people may wonder. :)
+ What is the point in having "public" as an option for privacy? If those photos are not going to the Photos page with the real public albums, then remove this option. And it should not be the default option neither.
+ Add an Spanish translation. (I can help you with that)
If there are no plans for adding comments in sidebar then the description can be on top of the image on a black div at 90% #000 with small white text. The sidebar now consumes too much space and pushes the image to the left. I think a centered image makes more sense since not all users are going to write a description. And the description is never going to fill the full sidebar, so there will be always empty white space.
I attach an example for the bottom black description bar over the image bottom.
Mike, come on we are interested to this plugin. Currently it is already very well and you've solved one of the serious defects Oxwall. You're going to sell for years. You know you can count on me to prove it.
Greetings To You!
+ Refresh the page once the upload is complete. - YES. Now it is confusing as to whether it is complete or not.
+ Add "Next" and "Previous" buttons to the photo viewer.
+ Rename the downloaded plugin file, because it is called "PrivateAlbums v3" with no ".zip" extension. - Haha yes this caught me and got me struggling to get it loaded until I added the .zip extension myself.
+ Add "Friends" as the default option for privacy. - Defaulting as friends is a good idea.
+ Have an option to manually set the thumbnail size. Current 84px is too small. Please reuse code from public albums so private albums looks the same. It's more intuitive for users to have same UI. - Agreed
+ Rename the "Create album" button to "Create private album". When this box is next to the public albums box it may create some confusion. Changing the button text can eliminate that confusion. The title in the modal box should also state "Create Private Album". - Agreed!
+ When viewing another user's private album: SHARED, ALL, ALBUM, MY ALBUMS, and AUTHORIZED USERS, CREATE ALBUM buttons should not be visible. It makes no sense. If this is not your own private album you should have no permission to make any of those actions, so none of those options should be there. - Yes this is very confusing to the viewer.
+ What is the point in having "public" as an option for privacy? If those photos are not going to the Photos page with the real public albums, then remove this option. And it should not be the default option neither. - I agree to remove the Public option
Great job Mauricio. Thanks Mike!
This is a better idea for the Photo Viewer: use the current code from the Photo plugin. It's already done and working fine. And by having the same UI it will make it easy for users and website consistency.
+ The previous/next buttons, and the description bar on bottom only appears on hover.
+ It is not at full screen on start, but there's a button on the lower right to bring the HTML5 full screen UI.
However, would be better if users could comment and rate like on Oxwall photos.