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1.7.0 support - Google Analytics | Forum

Thijs Mar 17 '15

For some reasons I can't update my oxwall from 1.7.0 to 1.7.2. Nor can I install 1.7.2 from scratch. Because of this, I'm unable to use the Google Analytics plugin.

Is there an old 1.7.0 version that I can use or something?

If not, is it possible to implement the tracking script manually?

Thanks in advance!

ross Team
ross Mar 19 '15
This is the version which is also compatible with 1.7.0 version of the software
Thijs Mar 24 '15
Hi ross,

All the labels were gone, but I saw result in Google Analytics.


Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Apr 1 '15
What labels are you referring to?
Thijs Apr 2 '15
There is no text in the whole plugin, only a small bar where you need to put the Analytics code
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Apr 6 '15
We just tested it, everything works properly.
Go to the language section, choose google analytics plugin in the drop down menu, check if there's a translation values for this plugin, if there's click on the Save the page button at the bottom.
If that does not work, try to reinstall the plugin.
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