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Forum Plugin | Forum

Mark Feb 13 '12
Ive noticed that on the forums plugin whatever the content of the first post is, is also copied as the <meta description""> for that page.

for e.g. a first post that says 
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions at myteenblog.com" 

<title>Frequently Asked Questions.</title><meta name="keywords" content="teen blogging, teen blogs, teen advice, teen chat" /><meta name="description" content="Below are some of the most frequently asked questions at myteenblog.com" /><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
Mark Feb 13 '12
the same also happens on these forums, check the source code of this page

the description is set by the following line


in ow_plugins/forum/controllers/topic.php
The Forum post is edited by Mark Feb 14 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 23 '12
That was done for better SEO. It's the software feature, is there anything you'd like to change?
Mark Feb 23 '12
i can understand why it was done it should have a cut of after x amount of characters however, overwise if its a long first post it looks like the meta description has been stuffed and adds un needed size to the page inevitably making the page that bit slower. 
Mark May 18 '12
just curious was this ever changed?

an excerpt of the post or a cut-of after say 100 characters would be a good setting