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Alvin Feb 15 '12
Okay I've moved on to ELGG software now... and I am checking back here because I am interested in the development of OXWALL... further...  and Nope..   NO POLL PLUGINS....    HOW HARD IS IT REALLY!?!??!?!
Jason Feb 16 '12
This is such a shame. Oxwall developers are too slow and do not listen to the community.

A few of my suggestions on the "uservoice" forum were voted up by multiple users (30+ votes). These suggestions were deleted with no reason given.

  Picture 3.png (47.43Kb)
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Feb 16 '12
Look here. http://www.oxwall.org/store

Some of those Plugins are not by Oxwall Developers. Some are by people who know PHP and can use that knowledge to develop with Oxwall.

http://docs.oxwall.org/ There is a documentation of Oxwall. Why not look at it and try and learn Plugin development like Others and myself.

Ekko Feb 17 '12
What type of poll are you guys looking for exactly ? I just got here, and haven't really had a chance to get my beak wet, but if there's a demand, than I could put something together at a reasonable cost. I have developed on many other systems free of charge, but in between support requests, and updates it becomes a part time job that doesn't pay if you make too many.

I have noticed that their is a lot of angst towards the devs here, but I am sure everyone is trying their best. It's not easy developing, and it does take time to write out the documentation, and support information.

On a side note I would love to hear those ideas for user voice, and anything else that's on anyone's mind.
Mark Feb 19 '12
the new questions plugin allows polls
Anthony Mar 23 '14
Anyway to add polls to groups?
Anthony Mar 25 '14
I tried the link above but it just resulted in a bad configuration?

I am trying to add the 'questions' lite plugin to groups. Can anyone help?
