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Lock Forums? / Writing Rights for Forum? | Forum

Hideki Feb 17 '12
Hi everyone

Is there a way to Lock certain Forum Sections so only Moderators or Administrators or a Special Group can Create new Topics in there?
Also maybe reply and such?

I dont mean the "privat" function because its only "viewing" rights.

Hideki Feb 18 '12
Anyone please? ._.
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Feb 18 '12
It is not possible at the moment. Sorry. Only the Private Feature.
Hideki Feb 18 '12
Hmm Thats bad.... How hard would it be to code a plugin for that?
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Feb 18 '12
Depends. I would contact a Developer of Oxwall, Maybe Sergey and see if he can point you in the right direction of this.
DeFender Feb 20 '12
I think also needed theme author to be displayed.
Den Team
Den Feb 21 '12
Suggest it on our suggest board.