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Which files edit to save additional field after Join in the ow_base_user table? | Forum

Marina Bircher
Marina Bircher Apr 1 '15

Which php file does save (INSERT) the joinForm datas into the ow_base_user table? I searched it for a while, but couldnt find something. I want to save an aditional field in the table which should to be filled automatically in the background while the User registers on the Join Page.

What I excactly want is to save the md5(username) in that table; so I want to generate this just before the data is inserted to the ow_base_user table.

Which files do I have to change? Also maybe other tables to? 

Can you please help me out? Maybe you have documentations or you know this? It would be great!

The Forum post is edited by Marina Bircher Apr 1 '15
Nickolay Apr 1 '15
I recommend you to create a separate table (with relationship to ow_base_user) and use OW_EventManager::ON_USER_REGISTER event after user registration, so you wont need to hack the core.

As for your question: new user data is saved in BOL_UserService::createUser() method (\ow_system_plugins\base\bol\user_service.php), but you'll also have to edit BOL_User class for your custom field to save properly.

Marina Bircher
Marina Bircher Apr 2 '15
Thank you, it was a pain, but it worked.