Well, firstly you'd expect they get all the features a paid 2nd tier level member would get. But secondly... would you expect that they still see a subscribe link like they'd not yet done so already? Of course not, yet with this plugin you still do...
If you have a website with 3 or beyond access levels, you'd think that if a person was a tier level two paid member already, instead the link would say "upgrade" to let them know that they can go even higher... But does the link in the menu say that? No.. it still yet says subscribe.
What happens if a person is all the way up the paid membership ladder... Do they still see the subscribe link in the menu? Yes, they do.
I'd love to know why this is one of the highest priced plugins, but yet the least thought out. As well, I don't really understand why this kind of work is happening from those that claim to be some of the founders of such an awesome software as Oxwall is?
A constant subscribe link whether people are subscribed or not is about as tacky and ghetto as it gets.
Please tell me I've missed something here......... I'd love to delete this awful ranting I've done.