I hate oxwall.org team, they blocked me 6 times since I'm here, because of "spam"
This is not how you gain assistance. It is not the teams fault, i too have been blocked before but it is not their fault. The site has a spam filter which is not human, it is not personal. There is no staff member sitting there pushing buttons randomly or personally blocking you 24/7.
The filter is set to try to achieve a happy medium between real spam and honest mistakes. It is not a perfect world. Maybe the solution is that we should look at how your posting or how often and the process your using to post so that you can avoid the filter.
As per your question remember that any custom code you do will be removed when you update versions so it is better to use or develop a plugin for this purpose. I am not aware of one as of yet. But if you want to do this as custom modified code then i will try it on my site and see what i can come up with for you.